Orbis Terrarum Challenge 2009
Bethany at B & b ex libris is hosting this challenge which is going to be quite an around the world adventure. To make it even more interesting, there are several mini challenges to choose from. One focuses on poetry, another on short stories, and yet another on foreign films (which I just couldn't resist).
Goal: To read 10 different books, written by 10 different authors, from 10 different countries from 3/1/09 to 12/31/09.
I have not completely set up my itinerary for this challenge, but here are a few of the books I will most likely include on my list **Books read from TBR list are in BOLD**:
- Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe (Nigeria)
- Memories of my Melancholy Whores by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Columbia)
- Queen of the South by Arturo Perez-Reverte (Spain)
- Silk by Alessandro Baricco (Italy)
- Slumdog Millionaire (movie tie-in-audiobook) by Vikas Swarup (India)
- Malinche by Laura Esquivel (Mexico)
- My Forbidden Face by Latifa (Afghanistan)
- The Crimson Petal and the White by Michael Faber (The Hague, Netherlands/ London, England)

Orbis Terrarum Film Mini-Challenge:
Goal: To watch 10 films, 10 different countries, by 10 different directors in the 10 months. (choose the movies, just like the books....by nation of origin or residence of the director, not where it was filmed or what it was about)
**BOLD indicates movies viewed from my To Be Watched list**
- Caramel (Sukkar banat) directed by Nadine Labaki (Lebanon)
- Art of the Devil 2 directed by the Ronin Team (Thailand)
- City of God directed by Fernando Meirelles and Katia Lund (Portugal)
- Let the Right One In directed by Tomas Alfredson (Sweden)
- Baby's Room directed by Jaume Balaquero and Alex De La Iglesia (Spain)
- The Devil's Backbone directed by Guillermo del Toro (Mexico)
- Earth, Water, and Fire Trilogy (3 movies from India)
If you all have any suggestions...please pass them along!! My favorite genre of movies are horror and drama, but I also enjoy a hot and steamy romance to slow down the pace.
1 comment
Welcome! I am so glad you have joined in :)
Looks like you'll be having fun in several of the challenges. I can't wait to see what you read/watch and if you enjoy it.
Make sure to come back to the OT blog and leave a link to your reviews so that all the challengers can see and be able to comment.
Again, WELCOME! Let me know if you have questions or comments :)
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