BTT 1-27-11

Thursday, January 27, 2011

This week’s Booking Through Thursday question asks:
What’s the largest, thickest, heaviest book you ever read? Was it because you had to? For pleasure? For school?
 So far, the largest, thickest, heaviest book I've ever read is Maia by Richard George Adams.  I picked this book up at a library sale where a crate of books cost about 5 bucks.  I read this book of 1,026 pages back in September 2008 when I first joined Librarything and began cataloging my books.  It was also my first review:
Delightfully looong tale of a young girl sold into the sex slave trade for betraying her mother. She becomes involved with a lot of upper class people, her naivety, charm and beauty leads her to be involved in dangerous and exciting situations--including becoming a revered heroine, at the cost of again, betraying someone close to her. Lots of adventure, a little kinkiness (lol), some murder, war, and suffering. Amazing descriptions make you feel as if you are right there along Maia. There are many different characters and places with unusual names which can be difficult to keep track of at times. The book does include a map and list of characters for handy reference--you will definitely need it! Nice ending too, that doesn't leave you disappointed.
Some of my other favorite whoppers: I Know This Much is True by Wally Lamb
                                                         It by Stephen King
                                                         Lisey's Story by Stephen King
                                                         Roots by Alex Haley


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